Friday, September 18, 2009

Dear So and So,

Dear Little A,

Oh how I love you! Your simple laughs and smiles are enough to make my day. But yesterday you topped it! The fact the you thought you were the funniest thing in the world was priceless. The fact you had half the neighborhood cryng we were laughing so hard at your rendetion of the Nation Anthem was beyond words.

Love You Forever,



Dear Baby 2,

I love you already....but you are seriously kicking my @ss. I forgot just how much morning sickness REALLY blows. You just keep right on growing and we will get out of this stage together.




Dear TriCare Rep.,

Wow, just wow. You couldn't finish a complete thought and had no idea of the answers to any of our questions! You made us sit there and this to you say "And then, umm where was I..." for 2 hours. You are not my favorite person ever right now.

Tierd and Grumpy,



Dear Hubs,

You kick some srious @ss! You are by far the bestest husband EVER! Though when I told you I would see you later and went to walk out the door without Little A your comment baffled me. "Wait, what am I supposed to do with her for 2 hours?" Really honey, do I really not make you do enough that you aren't sure how to entertain your own child for 2 hours? But what do ya know, you did it...I came home to a house of blocks and Little A sitting in your lap watching you so very intently. See, I knew you could do it!

Your Truly,



Dear Readers,

Hop on over to Kat's to grab your button and play along! I know I have taken a slight hiatus but I have good reason...the porcelien really has become my new BFF.

Have a great weekend,


Monday, September 14, 2009

Babies Babies Everywhere.....

So of course Hubs and I have been talking about having another Little One and everywhere I look there are overly cute pregnant women.

I woke up this morning just having a know those things we women get....that something is "off," yeah it was that feeling.

So I peed on a stick and it said POSITIVE!!!! I went and had blood work drawn this morning at the base clinic (and they were not very nice about it either) and an hour later that called to verify that I was indeed pregnant.

Of course I'm only a few weeks along so these first 3 months are the dire ones. I'm just going to take it easy and make sure I take extra good care of myself.

I'm still in shock that it happened so quickly but couldn't be happier!

So I have an exciting 9 months ahead and will of course use this blog to rant about how much morning sickness blows chunks!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

And What Happened At Finance You Ask.....

Finance: 1 The B.'s: 0

They are running EVERYONE in circles. Hubs is about to lose it on them. But his shop is now all pitching in to help cover what little bills we have. They know the pain and struggle we have gone through with these people since he joined last December.

Speaking of of the supervisors made the comment that we should have known they would screw up our pay and should have had about $6,000 saved. OUCH...well since he just joined less than a year ago and we haven't received the same amount of pay for more than 1 month in a row. Saving money hasn't exactly been easy.

The cause of the screw up....Hubs went in and got the payment plan set up the day after the debt showed up. You have a total of 45 days to get this stuff taken care of. The Airman filled out all the paperwork and mailed it to his supervisor. 45 days later it is still sitting unopened in the supervisors inbox.

Oh well, they are still "seeing what they can do" and Hubs's supervision is calling about every hour staying on them to get it done!

But my daddy will be here today! I can't wait...I haven't seen him in over a year! Even if it is for only 2 days I'm excited!

I'm not sure exactly what we are going to do or where we will be so I may be away from my blog for the weekend...but I will catch up come Monday!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I Can See Clearly Now...

*sings* the rain is gone.

Ok, that was my randomness for today. After my minor freak out yesterday and calmly telling Hubs what happened he called his supervisor. They went up the lovely Chain of Command and today once Hubs gets off work Chief and Hubs are making a trip to the Finance office together.

So for now, I can breathe a sigh of relief.

On a sadder note Hubs switched to mids and his first night was last night. It was weird. I mean it was WONDERFUL not being pushed and shoved off the bed, and I got all pillows to myself. But it was weird not waking up to him.

I'm really going to buckle down and get a much school work done as fast as I can so I can be done and start working. I'm doing really well (I think) but I wish I could have been done yesterday.

Little A has hit a very very whiny stage in her life...NOTHING is every good enough for that little one. But it is very cute to watch her try and figure things out on her own.

Well, today it is back to the real world. No more BBQ's and hanging out with friends. I hope everyone had a fabulous Labor Day weekend!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Do They EVER Get It Right?

I'm talking about the USAF finance department. Our current LES is reading that we are getting $0.00. Yeah, I'm guys said you fixed everything and I can't make it buy in that. You guys have already drained our savings...can you cut us a break!

My stress level just sky rocketed. And I can't go scream and yell at Hubs because he is asleep....preparing for his new mid's shift. ARG! Sorry you guys had to deal with that vent but I am so sick of them screwing up!

On a brighter daddy is coming to see me this next weekend! Even Hubs is happier about seeing him than he was about his own family! (And it's because my dad is normal).

I hope everyone is having a wonderful long weekend! I have a punching bag I need to go hit.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

I Love Fall

For one simple reason...I love coats. And this year I will be adding this lovely to my collection. It's a Belted Military Coat from Alloy. It was love at first sight...and will be in my closet next month.

On another note I am going to the bookstore in a little while to pick up this new book. I have heard really good things about it and the reviews are wonderful. It's about a woman named Mia whose boyfriend deploys to Iraq for a year. And all the crazy crap she deals with while he is gone. The author wrote it a year after her husband returned from needless to say it is semi-autobiographical.

I hope everyone has a good Labor Day weekend! Can't wait to read all about them come Tuesday!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Dear So and So,

Dear Little A,


Love Always,


Dear Hub's Shop,

Really? You are grown men....can we stop with the high school drama bull shit?



Dear Hobby Lobby,

Christmas stuff already? Halloween isn't even here yet. Can't we take it one holiday at a time please.

The Holiday Grinch


Dear Readers,

Sorry, I have nothing interesting and funny today. It's been a weird week. But YOU can be witty and fun by going to Kat's Blog and grabbing her button and signing Mr. Linky.


Thursday, September 3, 2009

What Happens When You Give A Child Caffiene....

Last night Hubs gave Little A a chocolate chip cookie. Normally they do nothing for her. But this was no ordinary had magical powers. My 15 month old turned into Crazy Baby!

Let me play this scene out for you.....

*Sitting on the couch with daddy eating a cookie watching the last 15 minutes of Barney*

Mom: Ok munchkin, bed time.

*Little A reaches up gives us goodnight kisses and hugs and then we head off to bed*

8:30 rolls around and I hear giggling coming from her room.

I go in to see what the heck is so funny and she is sitting....staring at the wall...laughing.

I bring her out to the living room to see if I can calm her down a little.

*The craziness begins*

Hubs is talking to his parents and I am sitting on the floor getting ready to read Little A a book when she takes off. Running in a circle sticking her tongue out yelling "ARRRRRRRRRR."

Then she proceeded to do a front flip on tile floor...laughing hysterically.

She got up took off at full speed down the hall and ran smack dab into the wall and yelled "BOOOOOOOOM" as she flew backwards.

She then proceeded to run back down the hall and land right in my lap...knocking the breath right out of me.

FINALLY after 30 minutes of Crazy Baby my Little A came back to me. She put her hand on her hip and looked me square in the eye and said "MaMa...Night Night."

She walked back to her room (hand still on the hip) and sat next to her crib until I could comprehend everything that just happened and get back there.

My child has officially lost her ever loving mind...and all caffeine privileges for the rest of her life!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Busted Ear Drums and Military Doctor's....

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE (did you catch how much I love here) my mil doctor. He is amazing! He actually diagnosed my busted ear drum without hurting me! This is not the first busted ear drum I have had mind you...but it is the first where I had to go to the clinic. My civilian doctor jammed stuff in my ear and said "Oops, looks like you busted will heal." And he was did...but it hurt for 2 months. Today, Mr. Doc. Looked gently said "I know this hurts and then gave me meds to help heal it!" YAY!

But wait...what's the back story on how I busted my ear drum you ask. I wasn't doing anything cool like a rock concert or standing by loud speakers. No, nothing like that. I was walking down the street with Little A when a bee buzzed his happy little butt right up on my ear...and STUNG me! Apparently the buzzing of said bee in my ear was enough to cause it to bust. And Mr. Doc. was also nice enough to take the stinger out of the inside of my ear.

Just one more reason for me to hate bees.

But I can use this being almost completely deaf in my left ear to my advantage...and I may have last night!

"I'm sorry honey...I really couldn't hear Little A crying, thank you for finally getting up and doing something about it!"

"I'm sorry honey, were you bitching about what I made for dinner....I couldn't hear you. I thought you said you wanted broccoli."

I could get use to this.

Now, the one thing the doc said that made me giggle a little was "Try and avoid and loud noises for the next 2 weeks."

What's Little A doing as he says his....banging the knee reflex instrument against the wall.

So now would be a wonderful time for Hubs to take his two weeks leave and go back and visit his family with Little A!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Oh What A Long Miserable Weekend....

It all started Friday with the Squadron know that thing I busted my arse fundraising for while trying to prepare for the in laws to arrive....was a bust. I mean people showed up but the planning of the actual picnic was kinda poorly done....maybe I should have taken on that task too!

The guys were bored out of there minds....there was nothing for them to do that was "fun" when there should have been because it was a day off to them. So everyone sat around drinking and talking....and drinking an talking.... For the first time I actually felt bad for them!

Little A and Burger became even better friends!! She followed him EVERYWHERE he went so he finally just picked her up and took her with him. A break for me!!!!! YAY!!!!!

Saturday was just all around work and more school work and then a Uni*som so I could actually get a decent nights sleep. I don't really like the way it makes me feel the next day but man does it work if you don't want to wake up throughout the night or dream or's like you are dead to the world!

Sunday we spent the day doing searches online for the perfect dog to add to our family. I know we have baby talk going on here but we also have fur baby talk going on too. We found the perfect Little we are playing the waiting game. She's a one and a half year old Full Blooded Golden Retriever. It was love at first sight on the computer. She was raised around kids but her owners had to put her up for adoption when they moved over seas. The only down side is it is a 3 hour drive to go get her! So hopefully I will be making that drive by Wednesday! Everyone keep your fingers crossed for me! We really really want this little fur baby.

Well, I hope you ladies had a wonderful weekend! But now it is back to that stupid Monday chore list. Dishes, laundry, vacuum, sweep, mop.....oh how I hate Mondays...

Friday, August 28, 2009

Dear So and So,

Dear In Laws,

Thank God you are gone...don't come back.



Dear Guy Who Grabbed My Butt At The Gym,

Two words for you mister....How Rude!

Mrs. Nice Butt


Dear Little A,

I know you had a rough weekend and I just want to make sure you know I love you. So we are going to spend the entire day at the park with a bunch of drunk Airman...Sorry honey.

The Protective one,


Dear Readers,

If you want to participate hop on over to Kat's blog and pick up the button and sign Mr. Linky! She's a funny chick!!

And I'm Out,

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Oh Hubs...What To Do With Thee?

So I was sitting here minding my own business when my phone rings at 6:57 this morning. It's Hubs...ya know the man who has to be at work at 7:00 every morning.

Well he was calling to inform me that he forgot to shave before he left the house in such a hurry this morning.

I laughed and said "Good for you!"

He asked me very politely to bring his razor up to him.

I say "Ok, be there in a few minutes."

Things I have to do before I can leave the house....put on clothes (that cute nightie I had on would have been a little much to show up in), find said razor, wake Little A up, load everything into car.

Wait...where's the car???????

Cussing and throwing things I pick up the phone and call Hubs to ask him what he did with my car (we only have one...but I like to think it is really mine).

He says, "Oh, I brought it this morning, I didn't feel like walking."

We live on base, so I load Little A up in her stroller and start walking, it's exactly 2.7 miles from my house to his shop....

My phone rings again at 7:08 and it is yet again Hubs asking if I'm almost there....

"No honey, it takes me longer than 6 minutes to walk almost 3 miles."

So I get to the shop at about 7:30 and he is already out on the flight line.

Lucky for me Burger was still inside so I gave him the razor and told him to go get my keys...I was taking my car home!

I am now sitting at my house with my car parked in the driveway...out of spite....and HE can walk home!

Oh, and I also get to see the fruits of my labor tomorrow....all that stuff I did for the Burger Burn Fundraiser will pay off tomorrow. The Squadron picnic is being held (it's an all day event) and as of now they have 6 Kegs and the jumpy bouncy things for the kids. And of course burgers, hot dogs, and chicken. I hope it goes over well, and people actually show up. I think the beer is a bribe really.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

And I'm Better Now...Part 3

Let's see....I left off yesterday with us heading to the caverns.

My mommy thoughts are this "It's a 45 minute drive to the caverns that is plenty of time for Little A to get a nap in so she can be rested for the caves." But what do I know about having a kid right....she doesn't need a nap....She's only saying "night night" and rubbing her eyes. But instead the SIL and her girlfriend decide they are going to ride with us and sit in the back seat with her. Hubs's family is loud, their inside voice is the rest of the worlds screaming voice in the middle of Time Square on New Year's Eve...really, they are that loud.

So Little A is sitting in her car seat staring at them. I'm not even sure she blinked. But she never did get to take a nap. When we got there they wanted to get yet another breakfast (these people also need to eat full meals about every hour and a half) so we went to the restaurant they have in the caverns and ordered food. Little A was eating off of Hubs's plate so I thought it was a wonderful time for me to run and use the ladies room while she wasn't paying attention.


Apparently in the 7 minutes it took me to get to the restroom, pee, wash my hands, and get back they finished eating Hubs had gone to use the restroom and the In Laws were trying to get Little A strapped into the hiking back pack. The child ha NEVER been in this thing before and she has 4 people she doesn't like surrounding her trying to put her in a contraption she has never seen before. She was screaming so loud she was purple. I sprinted across the restaurant back to my baby and grabbed her out of the back pack and yelled at the In Laws for being such idiots. I took Little A outside and got her calmed down and put her in the back pack myself. She went right in, with no trouble and then Hubs got her loaded up on his back to begin the journey down through the caves.

Little A fell asleep in the back pack about 5 minutes down the walk way which made the trip down almost enjoyable. Once we got down to the bottom Little A woke up and wanted me...well...I can't wear the back pack because it is just to big for me so I put on her sling and we walked the last 1.5 miles up hill. That was not enjoyable. She was kicking and grabbing and scratching, I was walking as fast as I could to get out of there. The rest of the crew was pissed because I wasn't looking around and taking in all the wonders of the cave. I bite my tongue and just kept walking.

We FINALLY got out of there and decided we should probably head home since it was almost 3:00. I was jumping up and down! HOME!!!!! Sweet home!!! Little did I know it was going to take 5 hours for a 3 hour trip. Only because they had to stop and eat....twice on the way home.

Once we got back to my wonderfully beautiful house I kissed the floor and everything that was right! I got Little A a bath and ready for bed when they decided we needed to eat dinner...again....I told them to go without me I was putting Little A to bed and just sitting for a bit. They threw a fit because that means they didn't get to spend as much time as they wanted with Little A and I very politely told them to get over it! She's still a baby...she still has a bed time...and a schedule that we try to keep because it works for us!

They decided we just just do more fast food but bring it home this time. They stayed here until about 11:30 before going back to the hotel and calling it a night.

Sunday morning they came over before 7:00 and asked why Little A wasn't awake yet....really, are you serious...and they they went and woke her up. My skin was crawling. But they decided they were going to cook breakfast so I offered to run to the store to get everything we needed ( I really just needed an escape). I layed Little A down in her room about 9:30 before I left....I got back 20 minutes later and they had already gotten her back out of bed. She was crying and sitting under my computer desk but no one seemed to care that she was scared....they just kept doing things to scare her even more. I dropped the groceries and swooped up my poor baby.

While the SIL was cooking breakfast she made the biggest mistake of the weekend. Her words quoted for you guys...."a.l.b. I'm just going to say it because we have all discussed it but no one else has the guts to say it to you. You aren't a very good have to let her cry every now and then. And you kept her from us all weekend."

I went ape shit. No one comes in to my house, scares my kid and then calls me a bad mom. That's just not cool.

Now while I know and completely agree that I have to let Little A cry sometimes there are times I don't. When she gets hurt, when she is scared, and when we are in a public restaurant after 7:00 p.m. (I think it's kinda rude so I am going to do everything in my powers to make sure she is being good.)

After I went off on everyone for coming into MY house and scaring the living hell out of my child they decided it was probably a good idea if they leave that evening instead of he next morning. I didn't speak to them again.

When they left I was the happiest person ever. And then Hubs had the nerve to say "See honey, it wasn't all that bad." AND HE WAS SERIOUS! Now he is talking about taking 2 weeks leave to go back and visit his family....I told him to have fun I'd see him when he got back.

So, that was my weekend with the In Laws, and I never EVER want to have to deal with that again!

Thanks for sticking with my story! I know it was long and just a serious rant.....but I feel better now that I put it out there!

Oh, and after they got home and called to tell us so they also told me that they were going to be monitoring my eating habits because I was to small......I'm sorry....I eat 3 healthy meals a day with two snacks and go to the gym and work out 3 days a week. I can't do the whole eat fast food every couple of hours everyday for 4 days. I was so sick after that!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

And I'm Better Now...Part 2

Ok, so where were we...oh yeah...enjoying the pool with Little A.

She was splashing and kicking and laughing and loving every minute of it...until....the FIL decided he wanted to get in with her too (she hates this man...really she does). The logical thing for him to have done was to walk in using the steps like a normal person. But no, he jumps cannon balls into the shallow end of the pool where she is playing. She went bat shit crazy. He splashed water all in her face and scared my poor baby half to death. I did everything in my mommy super powers to calm my child down...but she was done. She didn't want anywhere near that water or that man again.

I got her in her pack n play (which she hates more than life itself, I might add) and sound asleep when there is banging on my door at the hotel, which in turn wakes Little A up. I'm about 2 seconds from throwing someone off the balcony-really I am-but I got up and answered the door to see what in God's name these people wanted.

It was the lovely SIL telling me that they were ordering pizza next door and I needed to come eat once I got Little A to sleep. I gave her a big *F YOU* and shut the door. 2 hours later, around 11:00 p.m., I get Little A back to sleep (and don't ask where Hubs was when all this was going on because your guess is as good as mine) and went next door to get a slice of pizza before I passed out. But was there any pizza left for me when I got there....noooooooo....they ate it all. So for dinner Friday night I had a bag of Sun Chips and a Coke from the Vending machine. This trip was a FABULOUS idea! *insert sarcasm here*

Before everyone went to bed the ever so awesome FIL tells us we need to be downstairs for breakfast at 6:45 so we can leave by 7:15. I, in my very nicest tone of voice told him "I will be down there when Little A wakes up and is ready to go for the day." He did not like that answer...but I'm sorry...if we are going to be hiking all day she is getting whatever amount of sleep she wants before I get her ready for the day.

So I show up at breakfast the next morning at 8:00 with Hubs by my side. Everyone else was done and waiting...I may or may not have taken an extra 45 minutes to get ready on purpose. We, meaning they, decided that instead of going to the caves first thing that morning we would go to the Living Desert Zoo first. Awesome....something Little A might be able to enjoy! We get there at about 8:30 and I go to grab the stroller out of the's a 2 mile hike around this place and I knew she wouldn't go to any one else besides me to carry. The In Laws folded my stroller back up and said we don't need that let's go. I should have listened to my mommy knows what it is talking about! 5 minutes into the hike FIL sees a wasp by the bobcat exhibit. Now before I go on, I thought it was common knowledge that when there is one wasp there is usually a hive nearby. I was mistaken on this little known fact because FIL swats the wasp with his hat and out come 45 more! I got stung 3 times...Little A got stung once....and Hubs got it worst of all with 11. I became completely livid at this point and began screaming at everyone. Little A is crying her eyes out, grabbing her leg and I am doing everything I can to make it not hurt. And while I am yelling and cussing at everyone for hurting my baby THIS little guy crawled across my foot.

I had the worst time EVER at this zoo. It could have been see all these native animals to the area in one place and random ones just walking around....but for 2 miles I had to deal with Little A clinging on for dear life because she thought something else was going to get her...all because FIL couldn't leave the wasp alone.

I was the first one back in to the building where they have an area for kids to pick up and touch all the old bull horns and fossils. She loved that. It was cool and she got to touch stuff without getting in trouble!

After we left there we headed to Carlsbad Caverns. But that will be Part 3 tomorrow....because my blood pressure is rising just telling you guys about this weekend! It still yet....only gets better.

Monday, August 24, 2009

And I'm Better Now...Part 1

The In Laws left a day early *insert happy dance* and I now have my house and my life back. I HATE not feeling in control and when they are around it is 100 % chaos.

Let's see here...where to begin. How about when they got here Thursday. They weren't supposed to be here until around 7:30 or 8:00 at the earliest. But that was not the case...the car pulled up at 5:15. Hubs of course is thrilled...Little A and I...not so much. They bring in tons and tons of toys. Things that make weird noises, things that sing, things that pop, movies, books, and tons and tons of clothes.

I had this genious plan to not open everything and then wrap some of it up for Christmas for her! I would have put there name on it....but she didn't need it all at was just to much for a 15 month old. BUUUUUT as always my plan falls through when they open everyhting and give it to her all at once. By this point Little A is curled up in a ball on my lap because she isn't sure what to do. There are tons of people in our house, she doesn't know that all want her undivided attention.

They decided at 8:00 we should go get dinner. GREAT, Little A is beyond tired and doesn't want anything to do with anyone besides me. She wouldn't even go to Hubs because he was all about these crazy people that had envaded HER personal space. We went to a small Mexican Restraunt where I didn't even get to eat because Little A was glued to me, she wouldn't even sit in her chair because it was to close to people who were all over her. I was laughing on the inside It broke my heart for them.

Friday we headed out of this tiny town and went to Roswell, NM. Because you can't go to New Mexico and not learn all about the aliens....right? Luckily they had a kids zoo that was free so we walked around there and let Little A watch the animals. She still wouldn't go to anyone so I carried her around on my hipand laughed as she touched the deers nose and then I rushed her away to the nearest sink and washed her hands. After we went to the zoo we went to the UFO Research Museum. And while it was very had nothing, and I mean NOTHING that could keep a child entertained. So Hubs paraphrased the entire place for me once we got back out to the car.

After leaving Roswell we headed down to Carlsbad, NM. We got a hotel for the night and then went to WalMart to get swim suits for us! They had an indoor pool...and I knew it would be the only time Little A had fun all weekend. She got one of those nifty ones where the life vest is built in and I had to go to the Little Girls department to find something that fit. Don't judge me! They only had 2XL bikinis left and I really wanted to swim with Little A. So I went and got an XL one piece from the girls department! Hubs got a pair of basketball shorts and we were back off to the hotel. We met the In Laws down by the pool and got in to enjoy the swimming.......

That is all for today...I will finish the rest of the story tomorrow. It is a nightmare from here on out.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Pay Off's Can Be Amazing

That's right...all that hard work I put in for Hubs's squadron and you know what I get in return....enough hamburgers to eat for a month and not 1, not 2, but 3 sexy shirtless men cleaning my house!

That's right Hubs and two other friends came over to say thanks for the help. My house was military cleaned from top to bottom while I sat on the couch and sipped a glass of Blackberry Wine.

I'd say all in all helping out was worth my time!

Today is also d-day the day the in laws get here. I had a mental break down last night and told Hubs just how much I was dreading this weekend. He completely understood and gave me the keys and told me to drive as far away as I wanted. I made it to the city limits and got to tired so I came home. I told him I would sleep on it and decide what I would do today. I have decided to suck it up and go hiking (and now camping) for Little A's sake.

Speaking of Little A.............

This morning while I was trying to change her diaper before breakfast...which of course if you have read this blog at know it's a nightmare....she got up and took off again. This time peeing all over my nice clean floor that was so graciously mopped for me by Burger last night. And since the child can't sit still for longer than 2 seconds, she peed all the way down the hallway.

I'm going to need to make a trip to the gym tonight and hit a punching bag for an hour or so, I think maybe I will feel MUCH better after that!

Well, it's time for last minute preparations. Hopefully everyone can make it through this weekend in one piece and I will have awesome pictures from hiking.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Burger Burns Make a Girl Tired

So, Hubs's squadron is having a picnic in 2 weeks. So they need to do fundraisers...right? RIGHT! THEY being the key word there. But it has definitely turned into a ME type of effort. Like I don't have my hands full already.

In the past 3 days I have been to Wal Mart 4's back to school time....that is the LAST place I want to be!

I got enough hamburgers, chips, plates, drinks, napkins, and buns to feed 200 people. And I spent 16 hours yesterday baking cookies...peanut butter, chocolate chip, sugar, and white chocolate macadamia nut to be exact. 600 cookies! I am flipping TIRED! But I am not done yet.....I still have to get everything for the grill to get it up there.

But I guess that's what I get for being a super awesome person who can't say no! Or maybe I'm using it as an excuse to not clean for my in laws...either way I am flat out worn out.

Do any of you help your husbands with stuff for their jobs? Or am I just completely crazy?!?!?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Preparations are under way....

The in laws will be here in 2 days. I'm not ready for this at all. The house is as clean as it is going to get, and Little A is as grumpy as ever. I love them, I really do...but they know how to make my life stressful. And they are doing a VERY good job of that right now.

I'm getting at least 3 phone calls a day asking if I have booked there hotel rooms and have made our plans for the time they will be here. And my answer has been the same every time..."No, I'm not doing it, it's not my job."

They are making crazy elaborate plans for while they are here and all the places we are going to go see. Here is where the problem starts....

1. Hubs is on 12's this week.
2. The plane they are working having severe problems they are trying to get fixed before the next flight.
3. Hubs is in charge of several fundraisers going on with the help of Burger...and needs to be there doing that also.

Ok, so the in laws have it set in their minds that Hubs will have Friday off and we will start our drive around this state. (Welcome to the military...planning is not a good idea).

The second problem is Little A hates the car....she's good for about an hour...two max. Driving all of the state is not going to fly with her at all. And then there is going to be a pissy Hubs and an even more pissy me.

Nothing they want to do is kid friendly so Hubs and I will be stuck sitting and waiting for them to finish before we can move on to the next Great Adventure.

And then to top it all off they want us to take 1 car....there will be 7 of us total. The absolute max my car can hold is 5....and theirs 4. Would it be wrong of me to offer to just stay home with Little A for the weekend while they go do whatever it is they want to do?!?!?!

Eh, I may just tell them we are taking to cars and I will take Little A to the zoo while they g rock climbing (see what I mean by not kid friendly).

How would anyone else handle this situation?

OH...and they bought her $300.00 worth of toys. What 15 month old child needs THAT many toys?!?! She loves her ball and a water bottle. Things that sing creep her out, and things that make to much noise give me a migraine....just like this weekend is going to...

Monday, August 17, 2009

2 rooms down....

So, Hubs and I decided about a month ago that we would be playing the role of Martha Stewart in our house. We have both only lived in tiny apartments that weren't worth the effort to decorate. Now that we have a house we want it to look nice. We were finally able to finish our living room about 2 weeks ago, and I have never been so happy! Well, until Hubs decided that the next room we needed to decorate was the bathroom. As much I want our bedroom done next I sucked it up and said ok...we can do the bathroom. $200.00 and 3 trips to Bed Bath and Beyond later my bathroom is complete. Little A did most of the picking as to what she wanted...since it is her bathroom too! I know, I know...she's 15 months old...but he is a very picky girl and some really weird things scare her and make her run and cry as if the buggy man was after her. It is all done up in pretty fish...Hubs is even weird enough to have given the fish soap dispenser a name...HIS name is now Waldo. I married a strange man. Oh well, I will post pictures of the two rooms later this week.

Right now I am preparing for my in-laws to get here. This takes a lot of mental preparation. I mean A LOT!

Did anyone else catch the new episode of True Blood last night?!?! Eric can lay naked in the bed any time he wants in my book!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Dear So and So,

Dear Little A,

4:00 a.m. is not play time, it is also not time to go outside and run around like a crazy child. I hope you learn this and soon...I'm not so sure I can go through another night like last night. Mommy and Daddy love our should too!

Needs Her Beauty Sleep,


Dear Hubs,

Thanks for trying to get Little A back to sleep...even though I know you did it for your own selfish reason. You know I can be the queen of bitchy on only 3 hours of sleep.

The Queen Bee,
Your Wife


Dear In-Laws,

I am not your personal slave. I do not do things to meet your every whim. If you want to come visit I will pretend it is all good. But call the hotel and make your own reservations with your own credit card instead of mine.

The Pissy Pants,


Dear Brain,

Please start functioning, I have thing to do today that require you to work a little.

Still Sleeping,
The Rest Of My Body


Dear USAF Finance Department,

Thank You. Yes, you heard me....I said thank you. After 3 and a half months you have FINALLY figured everything out and we received our first "normal paycheck" today. Thank You also for admitting that your group is possibly the stupidest the Air Force has and it would be better if it went to all civilians (I'm not kidding the Chief said this). Whatever you managed to do finally worked and I am very appreciative and will now stop calling and harassing you.

I Got My Money,
The Dependant


Dear Readers,

Go check out Kat. She is sure to give you a huge smile!

Forever Your Blogger Friend,

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My Perfect Child...Revised....

OK, you guys may remember a few weeks ago my post about Little sweet, and loving, and perfect.

Right...I was drugged by some mysterious person when I wrote that apparently.

Last night I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off being the perfect housewife I know I am. I have dinner cooking and Little A almost ready for bed. She has been fed, bathed, and we are about to get in a diaper and some PJ's.

She HATES her diaper, I get this, I would hate something that bulky and crunchy on my butt too. But she isn't potty trained and is no where near ready for it yet, so she is stuck with it for awhile longer.

I went into her room and got everything we needed to get ready to go to bed. I was just missing ONE thing....Little A. I found her hiding behind the clothes hamper in my closet...butt naked just as I had left her.

I walked into the living room and she followed me in very slowly. I finally get her layed down to put her diaper on and as fast as I could blink she was up and gone. We did this for about 10 minutes before my eyes started bulging out of my pretty little head.

So what do I do to get her attention and make her behave you ask? Well that's simple...the fool proof method of using her full name...she knows she is in trouble and usually cries. It has the same affect on her that spanking does most children. That is until last night......

Me: "A.N.B."

Little A: With the whip of her head and a crooked smile with a handful of attitude, "Yes."

Hubs: *Laughing so hard I'm sure he is about to pee his pants*

Me: *At a loss for words with Little A* "Hubs, shut up and don't encourage her"

Hubs: *Still laughing so hard he can't stand up*

Little A: *Throws the clean diaper in the trash can and goes outside...butt naked*

Me: *Throws in the towel*

Hubs: *Still laughing, takes over*

45 minutes later Little A has a diaper on. Her little attitude came about 10 years earlier than I had prepared myself for. I could have sworn the full name method was a fool proof method. I was proven wrong by me beautiful 15-month-old little girl.

Pillow Thieves and Bed Hogs

So last night as Hubs and I were going to bed we had one of those arguments that you spend the entire fight laughing your ass off.

We have a huge king size bed...I'm a whopping 5'3" and 102 lbs. Hubs is 6'4" and 175 lbs. So, this king size bed should EASILY hold us both at night. It doesn't to say the least....I wake up every morning hanging on to the bed for dear life so I don't fall and die. Hubs is sound asleep on MY SIDE OF THE BED! (And it doesn't matter if we switch sides of the bed he still ends up on my side.) And last night we figured out why this is....

Pillows...I'm a HUGE fan of these wonderful things. I sleep with 4 a night, leaving Hubs with 2. Well, apparently I like these pillows so much that I also take his while we are sleeping. Right out from under his head. I don't remember doing this, I think he is full of it.

Turns out he is not. I woke up at 4:30 this morning with 6 pillows and him on my side of the bed. All the poor man wants is somewhere nice and soft to lay his head. And here I am for the last 4 years blaming him for taking up to much room!

Looks like we will have to super glue pillows to his side of the bed so I can't steal them and maybe he will stay put just for one night!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Annual Base Picnics and a date all in one weekend!

Friday we had the Annual Base Picnic and had a blast. Not only because we won a few things from the raffle, but because Hubs didn't have to go to work and we got to spend the day as a family at the park! That NEVER happens!!

Aside from that one of Hubs's friends wanted to come over and watch the UFC fight on Pay Per View on Saturday and offered to watch Little A while we went on a date. Now, Hubs and I haven't been on a date with no baby or other people tagging along for at least a year. Part of that is because I am overly picky about who I let watch Little A and it doesn't even include most of our family. Oh well, I GOT A DATE WITH HUBS! We went and had sushi and steak and then went to see The Proposal!

And Hubs and I had a heart to heart about another baby while on our date. We have both decided we are ready....we are going to start trying for another one! We both also agree that after 2 we will be done though.

Well, I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, it's time for a crappy Monday and a long rest of the week.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Dear So and So,

Dear lovely new neighbors,

I know you just moved in this week. I also assume you know how to read....that name plate on our front door is to show that someone lives there....STOP PARKING IN MY DRIVEWAY! idiot.

Give me back my drive way,



Dear Little A,

I get it, your teeth hurt. Mommy has done everything in her magical powers to make them stop hurting but you are making it impossible. You can't only cry and sleep can you?!?!

The uninspired tooth fairy,



Dear Moby Wrap,

Where have you been my whole life?!?!? Well, Little A's whole life?!?!?! You are a wonder worker of a baby carrier and my back doesn't hurt! And did I mention she doesn't cry when she is cradled up in you?!?! I Love You!

Forever grateful,

Baby carrier wearing fool


Dear Readers,

If you haven't already you need to go check out Kat over at 3 Bedroom Bungalow. She is awesome and she hosts Dear So and So every Friday!



Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What Was I Thinking?

Going back to school. I love to learn, LOVE it....but HOLY CRAP....seriously I'm on day 2 and have 25 pages of hand written notes. My poor little pretty hands are screaming at me right now!

Hubs is of course trying to be super supportive about me doing this whole schooling thing and then going back to work when I am done...but he has learned very fast that I am going to need help getting everything done around here. He realized yesterday that I did way more than he gave me credit for.

Little A is hating every minute of me doing schooling. Because well, that means I am sitting on the computer and not singing The Wheels On The Bus a million times a day...only about 750,000 now.

I also don't know what Little A's deal is. Every evening at the same time (about 8:00) she wakes up after only being in bed for about 45 minutes and screams bloody murder for about 10 minutes. I go in and rock her and calm her down until she is back asleep but it never fails...the exact same time every night. Oh well, it could be worse.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Where did my weekend go??

Our entire weekend was spent volunteering. And partying it up. Well, kind of....

Hubs does AADD (Airman Against Drunk Driving) every weekend and it has been pretty peaceful until this weekend.

Really Airman, REALLY? 4 of you in one night all at different bars all between the hours of 3 a.m and 4 a.m. I am super glad you called the hot line to get a ride, but excuse me hot line....there were like 5 other people on that list you could have called.

Saturday we did Meals on Wheels with a few other people from Hubs's shop. After that we all decided it would be fun to have a BBQ with the entire shop (or whoever showed up). So in the matter of 3 hours we picked a house, got all the food, called and invited everyone, and started prepping for the evening.

The BBQ was held at Hubs's closest friends house (he just closed on it a week ago) so we decided to help him get everything ready. Oh...and this friend will from here on out be referred to as Burger because that is what Little A insists his name is.

So, Burger, Hubs, and I got what we thought would be enough for the people we assumed would be coming. 45 people showed up!!!! We have never had that many people at a BBQ! It was so much fun!! Little A got to play with the puppy and all the other kids that were there. And the teenagers who showed up all watched the little ones. I got a break from being mommy for a few hours and got to enjoy adult conversation!

By the time we were done, the teens had made a HUGE tent and filled it with blankets they took out of Burger's closet and all the kids were asleep. They fell asleep watching Beauty and the Beast. It was the most peaceful moment any of us had seen! How THEY got our kids to fall asleep we will never know....but I think I'm going to bring one home with me next time.

Sunday, we went and helped out with Habitat for Humanity for about 6 hours. And then had some serious grocery shopping to do.

And somewhere in all that I found time to apply for MyCAA and get approved and get my FA set up and I am going back to school! I am going for Medical Transcription and can do it all from home, online.

So again I ask, where did my weekend go? I thought I was supposed to get to relax at least 1 day!

How was ya'lls weekend?!?!?

Friday, July 31, 2009

"If you cleanse with a friend......"

Ok, so I get the point of infomercials I really take up time when they can find nothing better to put on TV. The fact that they can't find anything better to put on TV at 11:30 a.m. is the first thing that worries me. The second....infomercials on bowel movements and backed up fecal matter.


I really don't care about how often your toddler poops or your grandma poops. In fact I was much better before I knew this horrid piece of information.

So, if you feel the need to cleanse and then look at your bowel movement (I shit you not I'm writing this as the infomercial is on) then get Dual Action Cleanse.

I feel the need to write ABC and my local network and explain to them how disturbing this is. I can't even eat my lunch...I know I could change the channel, but this crap, bad choice of words there, stuff is just mind boggling.

Ok, I'm done grossing everyone else out. Anyone else seen any crazy infomercials lately??

Dear So and So, Family Edition

Thank God it's Friday!!! And thank God for Kat over at 3 Bedroom Bungalow for hosting Sear So and So every week. This week mine will be aimed at family.

Dear MIL,

I know I got relatively lucky and you don't drive me completely mad, but we need to have a talk. You are getting older, face it. The shirts that you boobs hang out of that you bought from the juniors department are no longer ok. The leopard print bathroom with pink fuzzy everything, from toothbrush holders, to shower curtain rings, and the rug...that's not cool. You are not 12. The one night stands that you bring back to your house from the club, also not cool. Don't plan on ever getting to keep Little A at your house without me or Hubs there. Just saying...
Your least favorite DIL,

The grown up one


Dear FIL,

I know you love us and miss us terribly. But this coming to visit every other weekend needs to STOP. You do realize you live 15 hours away...right?? How about we make it an every other month thing for my sanity. Kthxbi.

Constantly Hosting,

The crazed DIL


Dear SIL,

Oh how happy I am we moved far far away from you. It is nothing personal, Hubs and I just hated spending every waking minute with you. Now you are coming to visit for the first time, with your girlfriend. Please, for your brothers sake don't do anything stupid like kiss your girlfriend in the commissary, it is frowned upon.

Don't ask don't tell,

The Prude One


Dear Grandmother,

I understand you are about 3 minutes younger than God. But it doesn't give you the right to be mean just for the hell of it. You have made it very clear that you HATE Little A's name. We get it already. Not your choice. Please pick something else to gripe over, it's been 14 months already.

The name nazi,



This is VERY therapeutic....everyone should try it at least once.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Scared of WHAT??

So today I realized that I am a big fat chicken!

I don't know why it took me so long to figure this out....but I am. Maybe it's because I'm not scared of things like heights or spiders.

What scares me you ask...the shower curtain. You read that right. When it touches my feett in the shower it makes me scream. See, I told you I was a chicken.

Another thing, I can't put my hand in a box without having this fear that a snake is going to put its fangs in me. I know it's stupid, but it goes from the box with the trash bags in it, to the coke boxes, to the cereal boxes.

Is anyone else scared of anything completly ridiculous like I am? Or am I just a freak!?!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Holy Cows!

I love the rain. Little A loves the rain. Hubs loves the rain. I hate cows who smell really bad when it rains. Lately it has been raining every morning in this tiny little Podunk town we live in. It's wonderful really, until you have to walk outside. The smell of wet cow is something no one should ever have to experience more than once in there lives. Yet I have had to smell it every morning for the last 2 weeks. I'd love nothing more than to go Febreeze their asses.

OK...other than that little rant I started and finished Nights In Rodanthe yesterday. Cried just a little, but over all I really liked it. Hubs actually laughed at me because I was finishing up my book while cooking dinner last night. He walked into the kitchen to find me sitting on the counter with my feet against the wall, crying, an stirring the pasta. He looked, laughed, and walked away. He's a smart man for turning around.

Is it weird that Little A will lay on the couch with me all day and listen to me read one of my books but she can't sit through one of her five page cardboard books? She's a goofy kid I tell you.

Oh well, I need to go pick out another book to read today.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Lost Romantic

I am possibly the least romantic person you will ever meet. It works out well because Hubs comes in a pretty close second. The thought of a candle lit dinner and a nice walk on the beach makes me want to gouge my eyes out with a spoon. Yes it's that bad! I also hate love story type movies.

But with that being said I LOVE LOVE LOVE a good romance novel. They suck me in and it's a horrible feeling I tell you!! (It really gives me a good laugh too.) I am actually getting ready to sit down and read "Nights in Rodanthe" by Nicholas Sparks. I have heard the book is better than the movie and since I refuse to put myself through the nightmare of actually watching it I shouldn't have a problem!!

Books still sitting on my shelf to read: The Notebook (and again, I haven't seen the movie), A Walk To Remember (again haven't seen the movie), and Last Kiss. I should have most of them done by the end of the week.

Anybody have any other good books to read?

Monday, July 27, 2009

Wow...I Need HBO

But since I don't have it I thank God for Netflix! Like I said in an earlier post I am way behin on movies and such. Well that and uch would be TV shows, and last night I got to sit down and watch the first 2 episodes of True Blood from Season 1 (see I told you I was behind!). AMAZING!!!! I was hooked within the first 5 minutes...and I look over at Hubs who was supposed to be playing a computer game but was glued to the TV as much as I was. I told him he could come sit on the couch with me and we could watch it together. He laughed and came over to watch it with me! Now we just have to sit and wait patiently for the next disc to get here with Episodes 3 and 4.

I finally found the time this weekend to finish "My Sister's Keeper" and cried my eyes out for most of the book. It was very much so worth the read. Now I just need to go find another book to sit down and read.

This weekend I decided to go for a run. Bad plan. When it is 97 degrees at 7:00 am you should probably just go to the gym and run on a machine there. Ya know the one's with the fans the keep you cool. I made it about 20 minutes before I thought I was going to die so I have to cut my run short...but at least I got out there and did it, right??

Little A is learning to sleep in. And that makes a mommy VERY happy!! Now, for a bit of a background. She normally gets up by 5:45 every morning and she never missed a beat. It makes you want to jump off a bridge. But this weekend and into today she has slept in until at least 7:30. I am doing a secret happy dance that only she and I get! Not that I get to sleep that late, but I don't have to drag my ass out of bed at 5:45 in the morning now! If she would just keep this up I may start doing flips!

Any other good TV shows or movies I should see since I am so behind and stuff?!?! I need to make my Netflix list longer.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Dear So and So,

It's that time of week again. Friday's are so much fun thanks to Kat. Check her out, she is so funny!

Dear Little A,

I love you kid. You are awesome, really you are. But that box next to mommy's computer is there to keep you from pushing the pretty blue button. It isn't for you to climb up on so you can then climb into my lap while I am working. Just saying.

Your lap cushion,


Dear Hubs,

I am only one person. I can't do everything. Don't get mad because YOUR car is a mess. Pick it up! I don't have time. I have to cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner, clean he house, take care of Little A and run all the errands. Get over it, thanks.

Your Superhero,


Dear Neighbors,

I understand you like to have parties. That's great, whatever, I really don't care. Until I need to go somewhere and all of your drunk guests cars are blocking my drive way. I'm not the only one who has a problem with this. The entire street does. Please teach your guests how drive ways work.

Yours Truly,
Pissed off neighbor


Dear Betty Crocker,

I love you, more than you will ever know. But your Milk Chocolate Frosting is killing me slowly. You see, I am trying to get in shape and lose weight and stuff. But you my good friend are making it hard. The spoonfuls of frosting can't be healthy for me. So grow some legs and make your way to the outside garbage can please!

Fattening me up,
Moo Cow


Dear Mr. Big Truck Driver,

Yeah, you in the Ford. Learn to park your vehicle if you are going to drive it. I don't appreciate coming outside to see I have 4 inches to open the door and get Little A in her car seat. I believe you should have to go taking a parking lot test if you are going to drive anything that big. Or park your shit in the back.

Little bit pissy~
SUV driver

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thursday Playlist

It's that time again! My top 5 picks for this week on my playlist!!

"Boom Boom Pow" ~ Black Eyed Peas
"What I Meant To Say" ~ Daughtry
"Wait For Me" ~ Theory Of A Deadman
"God Love Her" ~ Toby Keith
"The Crow & The Butterfly" ~ Shinedown
Ok. Those are my top 5 for the week! If you have any favorites leave me a comment and let me know!! Who knows, maybe they will make my list next week!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Becoming A Pretty Little Housewife.

I am not what anyone would call a wonderful housewife. I try, really I do, but sometimes I just fall short. Like, dishes...those things SUCK! I believe that the dishwasher should be able to take everything off the plates and bowls.

But something I have gotten better at is baking. I love love love cupcakes. They are by far the most amazing things in the world. So last night I decided it was time to learn how to makes homemade cupcakes. I did it! I made homemade peanut butter cupcakes and they are to die for delicious!! Hubs fell in love. But sadly Little A doesn't even get to try peanut butter for her. But here are is my mater piece.

They are nothing fancy, and you can top it with what ever you like (I of course picked milk chocolate).

I am trying to learn to cook "real" food, but Hubs is a super picky eater. If it looks like a veggie you can forget it. Luckily Little A would rather eat her veggies and fruit than anything else (as long as she gets a waffle for breakfast). And needless to day Hubs's bad eating habits are making my 30 DAY SHRED a bigger pain in my ass than it already is!

Oh, and yesterday we found out that Hubs's family is coming out for a visit next month. Ask me later and I will let you know how I feel about this I can't wait to see them and entertain them for a full 7 days! I will keep you updated on what type of crazy activities I plan for there trip here. Oh, and did I mention Hubs can't take leave then and will be on 7 12's that week. I could kill him He works so hard! Oh well, I will get through this just like I get through everything else!

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Perfect Child

I like to think I have her. Little A is WONDERFUL! She is now 14 months old and walking and talking like a champ! We can go anywhere and she is so well behaved! Going out to eat is so easy for us because she sits in a highchair and plays with the crayons they bring and the loads and loads of toys I bring for her. She eats everything that is put on her plate. She is not a picky eater at all...we are talking Little A ate a raw onion at Red Lobster yesterday. She isn't scared of anything! She loves playing in the dirt and loving on her baby doll. She gives hugs and kisses like they are going out of style! She doesn't say "no"...yet. It is always "yes mom" or "yes dada" and she says it with a smile on her face. Though she is always into something she is very OCD (she got it honestly really) and puts everything back where she found it.

This child is my entire world. The problem...I am no longer hers!! She use to need me for everything. Now she needs me to change her diaper and get her milk. Now she takes care of 'Baby'...her oh so creative name for her baby doll. She feeds it her left overs, makes sure it has plenty of juice splashed on her face and loves it like she will never see it again! Last night Little A decided baby needed a bath after she got done with hers. She ran into her room and got baby out of her stroller and drug her into the bathroom where she would proceed to give Baby a the toilet. I guess it made since, because it was the only water left in the bathroom (except the river she made on the floor during her bath). Thank GOD the company this doll is made by makes them completely machine washable!!! (If you have a girl or ever have a girl check out these Corolle dolls...they are WONDERFUL...they have all different ages and cool stuff like that)

Anyways...I'm going to go back to my happy blissful world with Little A and avoid the real world of doing laundry, dishes, and the ever so dreaded Commissary. I will leave you with a picture of my life!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

I'm so behind!

On movies that is! I don't get out much. Little A keeps mine and Hubs hands tied so we live off of Netflix and the base library movie. Last night I got around to watching "He's Just Not That Into You" and I for whatever reason adored it! Maybe it's because I have a secret crush on Justin Long (what can I say I love skinny guys) but I could seriously watch that movie every night!! And the good news...Hubs didn't absolutely hate it like he hates almost every other chick flick known to man kind.

Oh, and after being in this house for 2 months I finally got the last 2 boxes unpacked. It is sad, I know but Hubs has been slacking on his "Get This Shit Done" list. I needed the book shelf put together. My thoughts...Hubs is a mechanic, putting together a bookshelf will take 5 minutes. I was wrong. Without a TO this crap was nearly impossible!! 2 hours later my bookshelf is together and everything is put up! I finally feel like I have a real house!

And I did my first day of the 30 DAY SHRED yesterday and I would like to say these words in the nicest way possible. Jillian Michaels, I hate you, I hurt, and you made me feel weak! Screw you! That was a nice as I could put it. I am going to make Hubs do it with me this evening so he can see why I'm walking funny.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Dear So and So,

This is my first Dear So and So...Check out Kat over at 3 Bedroom Bungalow!

Dear USAF Finance Department,

Please get your shit together. It has been 3 months of screw up from you guys. The problem is, you over paid us again. Now to most people this would not be a problem, but see I have this addiction, called shopping. You are pouring fuel on the fire here by giving us "extra" money that you are just going to snatch back from me. Hubs has been to talk to you 7 times now and still, nothing. Please for the love of God, fix it.

Yours Truly,
The Dependent

Dear Jillian Michaels,

I am starting your 30 day shred today. Not to lose weight, I'm a good weight really, but I need to build muscle. Please I am begging you don't make me hate you. I want to like you, I really do, but I would prefer not to have my ass handed to me on Day 1.

Yours Truly,
The out of shape mommy

Dear Hubs,

The reason they make dirty clothes hampers is for, get this, DIRTY CLOTHES. Please put your nasty work clothes in the basket and not next to the basket or for that matter 10 feet away from the basket. Laundry would get done in a much more timely manner if I had any idea what was supposed to be washed!

Forever Yours,
The Laundry Lady

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Thursday Playlist I'm a HUGE music fan...I love most everything so I thought I would post the top five songs I am listening to currently.

"Life After You" ~ Daughtry

"Beautiful You" ~ Saving Abel

"Second Chance" ~ Shinedown

"Don't Trust Me" ~ 3OH!3

"Then" ~ Brad Paisley

What is currently on your playlist? Anything awesome I should check out?
"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life"~Berthold Auerbach

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I am. I love reading. And right now I am reading

It is amazing! If you haven't read the book..go read it...NOW.
Yes I know it is a movie too and it is so much easier to just go watch the movie...but the book is so worth the time!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A History Lesson

About the one and only ME!

I was born and raised in North Carolina. But my life was turned upside down at 16 when my dear ol' dad decided to pick up and move us all half way across the country to Texas.

I met my best friend in the entire now husband...right after I moved to Texas. We got married when we were 21 and had a beautiful little girl on May 23, 2008. The hubby joined the Air Force and left for Basic Training in December of last year and now that BMT and Tech School are complete we are living together as a happy family again at our first duty station in New Mexico.

I am an avid reader and computer junkie. I am attempting to get myself in shape by going to the gym 4 days a isn't really going as well and as fast as I had hoped. I love photography and am a crafty person. My 'drug' of choice is shopping and trying to find the best deal out there.
There will be plenty more to learn about me later...but I have mommy things to do now.

Who would have thought!

I am a wife.

I am a mom.

I am...


I wanted somewhere to go where I could rant about being a wife and being a mom. And somewhere were I could stay true to myself.

And sitting down with an actual journal and writing isn't something I am good at. So here I am in the blog world. We will see how it goes!